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Contractors & Suppliers

Procurement of goods, works and services 

We procure a wide range of goods, works and services in line with our business needs.

Our procurement vision is to provide customer-centric sustainable procurement that serves the best interests of the Group and its stakeholders.


We aim to:


  • Demonstrate value for money in all contracts, commissioning through the use of efficient and effective procurement procedures.
  • Be fair, open and transparent in all of our interactions with our supply chain.
  • Promote innovation in the delivery of services to customers.

  • Ensure compliance with legislation and guidance when carrying out procurement activity.
  • Promote and deliver sustainable outcomes and community benefits.

We openly advertise all of our contract opportunities that exceed the thresholds of £50,000 for goods or services and £2 million for works on the Public Contracts Scotland Portal as required by law.

We also use the Public Contracts Scotland “Quick Quote” platform to procure our non-regulated contracts where applicable.

We therefore encourage all suppliers interested in doing business with us to ensure they are registered on Public Contracts Scotland.

We also publish our Annual Procurement Reports based on our published Procurement Strategy to demonstrate how our achievements support our corporate strategy and comply with relevant procurement legislation.

Find out more:


Freedom of Information Requirements 

Along with all other Scottish Registered Social landlords, we are required to comply with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (“FOISA”) and the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (“EIRs”). These give our tenants and members of the public a right to ask for information about our activities, performance and decisions.

Information that we receive from bidders during procurement exercises or that we hold about our contractors and suppliers may need to be disclosed in response to a request for information. In general, information will be released unless it is covered by a legal exemption. This could also be the case where information is commercially sensitive.

If you have any questions about these requirements please email us at [email protected]. Alternatively contact us and as to speak to a member of the Governance Team.

Further information on FOISA and EIRs is also available at www.itspublicknowledge.info