Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
EDI is central to who we are and what we do:
- Equality is about treating people fairly and removing barriers to avoid discrimination
- Diversity is about recognising and valuing differences
- Inclusion is about ensuring all people feel welcome and involved.
Focussing on EDI helps us improve our services, and ensure they are accessible and delivered in a way that reflects the individual needs of our tenants and other customers.
We require our contractors and suppliers to have a similar approach.
Our EDI policy describes our commitments as a landlord, housing and service provider and employer.
Our EDI Charter outlines some of the practical steps that we will take to deliver on these commitments.
We have spent time raising awareness and understanding of EDI issues amongst our staff team members and volunteers.
Our priority is to get to know our tenants and customers better, by increasing the range of monitoring data we gather. We will use this insight to shape our policies and key decisions. We encourage people to tell us about their particular needs and how we can meet these.
Access to information
To help make information about us, our services and other activities easily understood and widely available, we can:
- Arrange interpretation and translation services for tenants and customers whose first language is not English
- Arrange for a British Sign Language Interpreter
- Provide information in suitable formats for tenants and customers with hearing, sight or other impairment, including in large print or Braille and audio translations.
If you have particular needs or preferences, or suggestions about how we can improve, please contact us to let us know.